Gnat / Midge (non-biting)


Actual Size: 1/16 to ⅛”

Characteristics: Grayish-black with gray or see-through wings.

Legs: 6

Wings: Yes

Antennae: Yes

Habitat: Often found around bodies of water, which is where they lay their eggs.


  • Their presence in North Jersey attracts spiders.
  • Also known as midges, they fly in swarms that look like clouds.
  • Often mistaken for mosquitoes, but do not bite or spread disease.

Gnats in North Jersey

Gnats (also known as midges) are a type of small non-biting flying insect found across the United States. Many of the species that impact houses and buildings  are attracted to the light and fly at night. People often mistake them for mosquitoes and are bothered by their presence. However, unlike mosquitoes, gnats do not bite and are unable to transmit diseases.

Gnat Habitat

Gnats breed in water and emerge in large numbers. During spring and summer, gnats and midges are prevalent around aquatic areas in North Jersey such as lakes and rivers where they lay their eggs. Although they are weak flyers, they can travel significant distances downwind, migrating to swimming pools, homes, and buildings. Gnats and midges are short-lived. They do not feed and exist solely to mate, lay eggs, and expire. Although they are bothersome, they’re relatively harmless.

Gnat Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Gnats and midges often invade residential and industrial areas that are close to their aquatic breeding grounds. Lake-front homes, sporting facilities, and recreational areas are at particular risk. Their swarms can look like clouds and create an unpleasant sight, especially at night when they are attracted to outdoor lights. With gnats abundant, you may also notice an uptick in spiders and spider webs around the property, which may create additional issues. Don’t let gnats get out of control. Contact your local fly control experts today!